Hortilux has been supplying grow light solutions for medical cannabis facilities for over fifteen years now. Medical cannabis cultivation has been booming in recent years, with more countries relaxing legal constraints on cultivation and increasing demand from the pharmaceutical industry. This in turn means that Hortilux is receiving more and more enquiries about using grow light efficiently for medical cannabis cultivation, from investors both inside and outside the horticultural sector.
When cultivating medical cannabis, growers aim to produce consistent quantities of certain substances such as CBD, THC, among other cannabinoids as well as terpenoids. Although mostly dependent on the genetics of the various cannabis strains, to a certain degree light systems and spectrum recipes impact the proportion and quality of these chemicals. We make sure to guide you along the process to maximize and stabilize their production as well as focusing on maximum efficiency.
Hortilux has specialists and partners who possess extensive knowledge of grow light and its impact on the various varieties of medical cannabis. This knowledge enables us to advise on the optimal light recipe for each of the different phases of your medical cannabis crop.
Obviously we also consider your objectives and the associated business case. As part of this process we work with individual companies to understand their unique business circumstances and project objectives. Hortilux will develop lighting systems that are a perfect match with your needs and situation. Aspects we consider include the type of greenhouse, the growing system, the climate system, and the local situation. After installing your grow system, we continue to support you by proactively providing service and maintenance, and through the use of the HortiSense Digital Grow Light Dashboard.