New : Hortiled Top Summit & Vertex

Hortilux is pleased to introduce the HORTILED Top Summit and HORTILED Top Vertex: two new types of LED grow light, ideal for every situation. Growers have a wide range of different business and cultivation goals, meaning that every grow light solution is unique. LED grow light is increasingly used in existing greenhouses, so the LED fixtures have to fit seamlessly with the grower’s existing situation and new requirements. For this reason we took our time in developing the HORTILED Top Summit & Vertex, ensuring that the fixture design and the potential light recipes were ideally suited to every situation, for maximum results per square meter.

Highest light output and low-threshold investment

There is an enormous range of growers’ requirements and of possibilities within a greenhouse. However, three major trends can be identified and the new HORTILED Top Vertex & Summit offer the perfect solution for these:


  1. The need to achieve the highest light intensity with the available electrical capacity;
  2. Realising the biggest possible energy and cost savings;
  3. Incurring the lowest possible up-front investment and operational costs.


Do you want to know more?

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. In addition, you will find extra information in the product brochure about:

  • The optimal light distribution
  • LED in combination with HPS
  • The ideal LED light recipe
  • The lowest possible investment


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