Grow light conversions

With this calculator it is possible to calculate how much PAR light has reached the plant in the greenhouse based on the radiation measured outside at the weather station.
This is strictly an indication and different formulas are used for this conversion. When talking about grow light, mole PAR is the most accurate and pure unit.

(i) Note: Joule is a sum of the radiation (watts per m2) over a whole day / Mol PAR is therefore a sum of the PAR light (µmol per second) over the entire day.

Do you have additional questions about your results or are you interested in additional grow light advice? Fill in the contact form below the calculator and we’ll get in touch with you!


Radiation outside


Transmission greenhouse (%)

PAR inside

Mol PAR/m²


Radiation outside


Transmission greenhouse (%)

PAR inside

µmol PAR/m²/s

Stéphane André

Consultant Grow Light Performance