Investment in LED ensures top quality chrysanthemums and low energy consumption

Maatschap Van Wijk is one of the leading chrysanthemum nurseries in the Netherlands. A real family business where the special spray chrysanthemum Radost and Radost Cream are grown on 2.4 hectares. Maatschap Van Wijk is affiliated with VannoVa and grows beautiful chrysanthemums for the top end of the market.


“We’ve actually wanted to increase the light level for some time,” begins Gabri van Wijk, owner of Maatschap Van Wijk. “But it was always a puzzle to keep the energy picture in order. We really didn’t want to import any more electricity from the grid. That is why we entered into discussions with Hortilux. From the first moment Kurt Zwemstra and Henk Vollebregt of Hortilux really thought along and listened carefully to our wishes. With an investment like this, you don’t take it overnight: together with Hortilux, we have calculated various scenarios with lighting plans, the associated light distribution and energy consumption. In the end we came up with this beautiful grow light solution, in which the energy input remains the same but we have much more light. With an energy screen we have also ensured that the radiant heat that is now less does not pose a problem. Also, the radiant heat of HPS lighting above a certain level is no longer desirable and with LED it is better to control light and heat separately.”

“With this grow light system, we can more than meet the quality and production required of a modern horticultural company.” Continued Gabri. “To supply the top end of the market you will have to continuously ensure that the quality is good, and with the higher light level we can meet that again.”


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